Am I Too Old For Snoopy?

 On my days off Dorothy gets me up around 8 am for a wee.
We then race each other back to bed for a lie in, where I know she will eventually wake me again around 10 30 or earlier depending on her pent up excitement pre proper walk.
This morning the Church bell woke us both.
At first I thought that there must be a funeral being called in but being Wednesday morning I then realised that is was a Church service in progress.
Someone inexperienced was pulling the bell, the bell that was rejuvenated by the Community Association and last rung by Hattie and myself during the clap for carers evenings….
Anyhow the bell rang around a dozen times setting off the lonely hound that lives in a kennel on London Road.
He howled like a banshee for ages 
I walked the dogs and was stood drinking a bucket of coffee on the patio when Church service was over 
And Mrs Trellis appeared sans bobble hat. 
She wore her best church coat.
The red one.
She looked at my T shirt and told me I looked cold and when I moved my arms added brightly 
“ Aren’t you a little old for snoopy?”
I suddenly had a Carrie Bradshaw moment when I looked down an realised I was wearing my snoopy T shirt.
“ I don’t know , am I too old to wear snoopy? I asked and she thought for a moment 
A little” she replied seriously .

I’ve kept the T shirt on.
I know, I’m a real rebel bitch
I’m meeting my friend Colin for lunch at Porth Eirias too
But I may wear a jacket 
Over snoopy of course.

from Going Gently

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