West Side Story

 Anon may be sickened with this fact but I’ve just booked tickets to me and a friend to go and see West Side Story on Sunday. 
What a fucking extravagance ! 
What with me pleading poverty only yesterday with only one ten of beans to my name 
Anyway I was getting all haughty about Steven Spielberg’s upcoming version of the musical classic, thinking to myself that the original Jerome Robbins’ version could not and should not be beaten.
A BBC interview with Spielberg totally changed my mind
The reasons for the remake were simple in his eyes for he just could not bear the fact of several generations of the movie going public not knowing of the power of this musical.
And he’s right. 
Whole generations of younger people have never heard of the 1950 s version.
They know nothing of the sheer exuberance of the choreography, of the singing and of the innovative staging and so he wanted to be faithful to the original by presenting an updated but classic version, set in the New York streets with Latina actors instead of a tanned up Natalie Wood and George Chakiris.
I’m very much looking forward to the new production

And so I’m on nights again. I will pop off at Tesco on the way home to by provisions so don’t worry Anon  I shall be eating healthier today….last night my colleagues and I treated ourselves to an Indian takeaway on our break time which was a real extravagance ( I can feel Anon quietly shaking in repressed rage at the very thought of it ) 

Poor me, life as a nurse is hard

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3dC6ZLI

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