
For the past seventeen years, there has been a political programme on the BBC called "The Andrew Marr Show". Aired on Sunday mornings, the show included searching interviews with a wide range of politicians from Tony Blair to Barack Obama and from Vladimir Putin to Boris Johnson.

It was of course hosted by a fellow called Andrew Marr, a Glasgow born intellectual now aged sixty two with the fearless doggedness of, well, a dog. He was not one to be fobbed off or accept deviation. He grilled them all as though he were Sherlock Holmes in pursuit of Moriarty.

in January 2013, Marr suffered a life-changing stroke but managed to fight himself back into shape and returned to the programme later that year - albeit with a severely weakened left side.

I watched all of his final show, including the interview with Britain's current Health Secretary, Sajid Javid. At the end of the programme, Andrew Marr's last words on camera were, "You stay classy San Diego!" echoing  Ron Burgundy in "Anchorman".

Of course "Anchorman" was comedic but "The Andrew Marr Show" was always pretty serious. However, like Ron Burgundy, Andrew Marr was also an anchorman of sorts. It was a perfect way to sign off and maybe it contained a faintly veiled message - Let's not take ourselves too seriously.

Yes - "You stay classy San Diego!"

from Yorkshire Pudding

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