
"We had to grow up because we did not die."

Sometimes I have an idea for a blogpost. I might even begin writing it and then a little warning light flashes faintly deep in the dark forest of my mind. The warning light suggests that I might have blogged on the topic before. As they say - what goes around comes around.

That's when I make use of the blog search facility which can be extremely helpful. Then sure enough, in most instances, I discover that what I thought was new is not new at all. The topic or the idea, the whim or the fancy has already been addressed. Ah well, I console myself that we cannot remember everything.

This is what happened earlier this week. In my photo library I had rediscovered a black and white photograph snapped in the summer of 1959. It was of my first class at primary school with our teacher, Miss Readhead, standing beside us. Quickly I tapped out a nostalgic blogpost and clicked "publish".

Ten minutes later the light in the forest began to flash. I duly checked and sure enough I had written a similar post  just last year. Consequently, I deleted the new post but not before a dozen visitors had seen it. 

One of them even wrote a comment. She reflected on her own childhood which was blighted by a man she should have been able to trust. In comparison, my own childhood was quite innocent and carefree - as childhood is meant to be. The epigram at the top of this post was taken from that comment.

Human thinking can jump around. Things connect often in peculiar ways. I found myself contemplating a six year old boy called Arthur Labinjo-Hughes who has touched the hearts of so many in this land  over the last couple of weeks. He died last year in the most horrible circumstances while in the "care" of his father and cruel step-mother. He was crying out for help but nobody listened. His birth mother was in prison and now the pair who effectively killed him are in jail too. Here was Arthur on his way to school with his whole life ahead of him:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

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