Last Night In Soho, Maryland


It’s been a corn beef hash of a day today
A right mixture.
This evening I’ve not felt 100% ( my bladder is playing up)  so Ive missed choir and rescheduled a badminton game with Gorgeous  Dave until Monday.
Don’t worry, it’s not covid, I got my negative PCR test result back early this morning.
Soon after that I took myself to the cinema then to the theatre to see a short rehearsed read through . The cinema ticket was complementary . The theatre ticket was free.
Before I went out, I popped to Old Trefor next door to change his recent minor surgery dressings. He rang up last night asking for some help. I’ve told him I’ll pop in each day to change them.

The film I went to see was described as a psychological horror movie. Last Night In Soho , as it turned out was really a sort of remake of Roman Polanski’s 1965 study chronicling the decent into a psychotic illness of a shy Belgian woman living in 1960s London.
The Polanski film was a chilling and truly terrifying piece….stark and almost documentary in its style, whereas the Edgar Wright film is a vibrant, loud evocative mixture of 1960s music, Hollywood slasher movie and indie drama with an excellent performance by the lead Thomasin McKensie as a mentally fragile fashion student who becomes obsessed with dreams and visions of a 1960 cabaret starlet (Anya Taylor Joy) who apparently was stabbed by an abusive pimp in the bed sit bedroom they both shared albeit it fifty years apart.
Wright’s movie uses the ambiguity of mental illness versus psychic visionary to its hilt and uses clever cinematography and vibrant colour to reenact a  Soho 1965 rather impressively 
I’m not a lover of horror films , but this one has some style,and class and I loved the fact that Wright featured three 1960s icons in the supportive roles, namely Rita Tushinghan, Terrence Stamp and the glorious Diana Rigg in what was her final film.

After this I went to Theatre Clwyd watch the rehearsed read through  of the controversial Maryland by Lucy Kirkwood which had recently caused such a stir at the Royal Court In London.
This is an extraordinary piece of writing and theatre , written quickly and in anger beyond anything any man can truly understand
Maryland features the meeting of two women who have been sexually assaulted and watching this 30 minute essay piece of theatre provoked and upset me more than anything I have ever watched in the cinema in a while
The theatre asked all patrons send a donation to in Lieu of a ticket charge

Watching Bake off now with a gin and paracetamol 
Love Noel’s description of Lizzie
Princess Leia dressed as a children's bullfighter“

from Going Gently

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