

It’s time I return to one of my favourite places 
Chatsworth House in Derbyshire
I was only thinking the other day about when I last visited this grand old house and it must be almost sixteen years ago now.
When I lived in Sheffield, only 14 miles away to the North East, Chatsworth was a favourite destination on a weekend, whether it was for an amble through the house and gardens. A visit to the famous shop, which was located in the old shire horse stables out on the estate, or just to walk by the river below the garden terraces.
In a fit of nostalgia I’ve arranged to meet an old friend from Sheffield there in December 
It’s a four hour round trip for me , but it will be worth going even if it is for just the day 
To say hello again to The Veiled Vestal by Monti will be a highlight

from Going Gently

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