The Last Duel ….almost

 I often write about nice things but don’t let that fool you.
I’m not always a nice person .
I’ve had a mixed day all told. 
Dog walk.
Flu jab
A Meeting about the Church
All positive affairs to be sure
Then my arranged meet with a friend for a supportive chat was cancelled and so on the spur of the moment I booked a ticket to see The Last Duel ( the film raved about by Rachel on her blog) 
It’s a 52 Mile round trip to the cinema and I arrived in good time, buying a coffee for myself and I seated myself into my allotted seat the dark cinema to wait.
We waited, and waited and waited and eventually the manager came out to say the film was “ rebooting ” and that it wouldn’t be long 
Over half an hour later we were still waiting and in one of his brief visits the manager told us the cinema had experienced several similar problems since they had reopened. 
Finally he told us that the film was cancelled and he was sorry and after handing out complementary tickets without a murmur the meagre audience got up to leave . He reminded everyone that the film was showing later again tonight and tomorrow.
Now that really pissed me off.
I wasn’t rude or loud or obnoxious but I was  quietly assertive and pointed.
I acknowledged that he wasn’t to blame personally but I told him that I thought the problem was not acceptable , especially as he had already acknowledged that similar issues had already been flagged up.
I also reminded him that we lived in a rural county where people travel long distances just to see a movie and that any existing and recurrent problems should be ironed out before the film was open for booking
I turned into one of those complainers I always hate to deal with myself.
A reasonable one that won’t lie down 
I’m like a dog with a bone

Anyhow I got my money back too. 

Was I unreasonable ? Don’t answer that one
I am what I am and I’m not asking for a lecture 
Like I said, I’m not always Julie Andrews

from Going Gently

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