Sentimental Value

It’s been a bit of a heavy week all told.
A funeral, a few work issues, a friend’s partner’s suicide, more vet visits
All varying in their direct effect on me , 
I’m not complaining, there’s never one thing
Boffin Cameron has tested positive for covid so can’t dog sit next week….
That’s only a minor brickbat, but it’s my nephew’s wedding 
I will sort something out.

Last night I sat down in front of the tv to watch The Repair Shop
It’s a real indulgence and remains the best emotional romp on tv at the moment.
Now for those that don’t know The Repair Shop is a show that has the demographic of blogging individuals ( genteel folk of a certain age) they are asked to bring in a usually damaged personal item which holds a great deal of sentimentality and importance to them. A group of talented restorers are then challenged to see if they can return the item to its former glory and the results usually get everyone involved sobbing gently into their jumper sleeves.

Marcia at the reveal

Last night we had fifty something Marcia who brought in her broken childhood doll Diana.
Marcia had been placed into care with her brother because her mother , one of the Windrush generation and a single mom could not look after them single handedly. Diana was the only thing Marcia had of her own and the significance of the cheap plastic doll was all to evident when the repaired toy was returned to a quietly dignified and emotional Marcia 
I bawled buckets 

We all have items at home that hold varying degrees of sentimentality and importance to us
What would you say is your most treasured item?
I was thinking about this this morning

My gargoyle , who is presently camouflaged amid the houseplants

from Going Gently

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