
It was time to return to choir 
Singing outside lacks the acoustic bang that the rafters of Gwaenysgor village Hall provide to our singing, and so after all of the risk assessments have been done, Jamie with his not so RAF 1940s lockdown beard decided it was safe enough for us all to return.

Meeting last week for Debra’s funeral underlined the power of our little choir, even though many of us in one section don’t even know the names of others in another.
Jamie’s mom, who sings with the soprano’s, described things rather personally and tearfully when she referred to the choir as family.
A family that shares songs rather than food, or history, or relationships 

Tenor Hattie hasn’t had her baby yet. 
Everyone has been asking.
Lindi ‘s dog Charlie has been sadly put down, and she wryly reminded the choir that no one will see “her Charlie” on zoom anyone, which was the constant lockdown choir joke.

I’ve just had a long bath which made me feel human again  and dressed in a clean outfit I was just about to have a coffee before choir when I spied an email from Hillary the choir secretary 

Choir cancelled tonight, it read, Jamie has a bug.

Bollocks ! 

from Going Gently

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