Stand Off



My sister brought her dog, Ozzie up to the cottage for the night.
The whole family is attending a wedding in October and for that  night Ozzie will be coming up to Trelawnyd to be babysat.
He has never been parted from my sister before.
Now I am an old hand at introducing new dogs into the household…god knows I’ve had enough experience and the secret to it has always been , stay calm, remove leads, and show everyone you are the boss.
Ozzie’s introduction to Dorothy and Mary was fine. They had all met before on the occasional walk so after the initial sniff and greet all three settled down on their respective chairs and rugs to rest as I blogged and watched tv from my place on the trendy blue sofa.
Then Albert appeared on the stairs.

Now Albert despises new dogs 
To him they are irritating stupid beings that need to be driven out of his peaceful life and home.
And his eyes flashed a cold gold behind the bannisters.

I watched the drama unfold and almost held my breath. 
Ozzie was oblivious . 
He was a bit unsettled, which was understandable and after sitting for a while he decided to explore the cottage. While he was in the kitchen, Albert walked stiffly down the stairs and sat behind the little yellow armchair under the stairs. 
Ozzie walked past him twice without knowing he was there and as he was upstairs sniffing at Dorothy’s old wee stain on the office rug, Albert stalked into the kitchen after giving me a very angry look.
The inevitable meeting came  moments later.

Ozzie looked at Albert with a surprised expression on his face as the cat walked back slowly into the living room.
He jumped forward without thinking, giving a little woof as he did so.
And Albert reared up, yowled loudly and swiftly boxed Ozzie’s face with at least six smart very sharp jabs 

The drama was over and Dorothy hadn’t even opened one sleepy eye.

Ozzie hid behind the draught excluder by the front door for a while.
Albert gave himself a victory walk around the living room and then sat on the arm of the sofa next to me and licked his arse and a relaxed manner. 

As Ozzie silently watched, Albert then rubbed heads with me ( to underline his social standing) and then very slowly got up and walked up the stairs to bed.

from Going Gently

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