Holiday day three.
The weather remains fine.
Very warm with a nice sea breeze.
I popped over to the Mostyn Gallery to see the Tarek Lakhrissi My Immortal exhibition
Which was described thus“Taking the 2003 song ‘My Immortal’ by American pop group Evanescence as its title, the exhibition reflects upon the notion of community, particularly a queer community which it considers as a complex, fragile and ephemeral entity. On the one hand it can offer possibilities of love, empowerment and protection but also nightmares and fears”
I read the exhibition notes for a long time
But still didn’t grasp his concepts fully.
I did like the spear mobiles though…..quite beautiful. I posted photographs on my Facebook page and my Sheffield bestie commented
Did you inform the gallery they have been robbed? All those mobiles stolen that were hanging from the wires. The horror!x“
I had a flat white in the cafe and, bought a picture of a curlew which made me feel better then went for a long walk on the Prom and out along the pier .
The breeze was gloriously warm
I bought myself an ice cream and people watched for a while
Everyone seemed to be in couples
I’m meeting a friend for dinner later
Tomorrow I’m off to London
from Going Gently
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