
 Dreaming of strolling

Rolling around 

In the warm grass

As bright blue skies

Skim my skin

In delight

As I savor summer, I realize I must acquaint with the real world. Facebook isn’t it.  My life needs to be surrounded by truth, love and the beauty of humanity. I wonder when we will actually form opinions from experience not purported falsehoods. I’m glad my youth was formed by a love of books and critical thinking. Cerebral Palsy continues to teach me that I don’t bury my head to pain, but I actively seek what feeds the soul. I miss walking to the mailbox and chatting with my neighbors as I would bring them my old issues of fashion magazines I had accumulated.  The small chit chat would lead to meaningful conversations I can still recall.  Coming inside for some snacks and ice cold coke. What would be a few minutes, would end up being an afternoon. One that brings a wry smile to my face. The good ole days can still survive if we make the time. 

from R's rue

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