Missing Julie, Bab’s Patchworks and Lilies by the back door


Even though Trelawnyd is so small, I can go weeks without catching up with Jason The Affable Despot .
He’s a self proclaimed hermit at times.
Last night we managed a meet and went to see the world premier of Missing Julie at Theatre Clwyd.
It’s always fun catching up with Jason. He’s bright and arch and funny and laughs easily . He also doesn’t suffer fools gladly, a trait which I like.
The play was ok. A revisiting and a rehash of the infamous Swedish 1888 novel Miss Julie now set in post World War One North Wales. 
It had a lot to say about class and sex and war and post lockdown and we couldn’t help but giggle when Jason likened one of the more dour characters to someone we both know in the village.
It’s weird cos my sister and I saw another adaptation of the novel two years ago at the Storyhouse in Chester .set in 1945 Hong Kong .
That one was unfortunately much better. 
I hate to say that.

Anyhow …..Yesterday I received some gifts 
Babs from the US, sent me two exquisite home made patchwork wall hangings which will sit beautifully on my spare room/ office walls in the East Wing of Bwthyn y Llan 

I love both of them, but adore the fact she incorporated the gay rainbow flag in her design of the star…
I am always so humbled by gifts like these.
Gifts that have been made over time with care, affection  and with skills I will never possess.
Thank you Babs….

 I took the dogs out yesterday morning only to find a large vase full of lilies sat on my patio table when I returned.
I was pondering who was responsible when a disembodied voice piped up from next door’s garden 
“ We are going away for a day or so, and didn’t want to waste the flowers……..enjoy them!” 

I will……..
Before anyone says anything , Albert never goes near the kitchen window .

Today I’ve sent out emails to organise a meeting of the “ Support the Church Campaign” 
We need to get cracking on a plan of attack ……
I can’t believe I’ve had almost two weeks off  
I’ve had a satisfying holiday 
Recharged and peaceful ….this afternoon I’m back at the cinema and tomorrow I’m meeting a dear old friend in Lancashire  for brunch and hugs and walks and big  talks 

It’s funny but before my divorce went through …and  until really  recently I felt terribly brittle and lonely at times 
But this week ….I’ve felt more empowered and ok with the brick bats thrown in my direction .

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3nDlzc3

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