Get Ahead Get A Hat


I don’t wear hats as a rule . In winter I prefer those woolly beanie hats to anything else, but these are purely functional. I don’t go for sports hats. I think in older men, they are generally worn in an effort to look younger or to cover baldness.
I have a big head…that’s another reason I don’t wear hats, so this morning when Dorothy ran over with a black cap in her mouth, I was all ready to return it to the bench from which she had taken it. 
I had seen the cap on Monday where it had been placed by a Walker thinking it’s owner would retrace their steps to retrieve it. Two days later it was still there.
I put it on.
It was cool with dew and that felt good
And Cinderella, it was a perfect fit. 
I’ve kept it ! 
It makes me look a tiny bit younger and it covers my admittedly very small bald spot.

Seeing I have to be at Mowgli ( ) in Liverpool by 6 ish, I’m staying home today to do gardening.

from Going Gently

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