Vicars and Shows

“Dear Friends,

Thank you for your support and offers of assistance at the public meeting held in St Michael’s Churchyard re the future of the church. The overwhelming feeling of the meeting from the forms filled in was that the community would support St Michael’s becoming a pilgrim church and would actively support it in its new role. That support means a great deal to us, so thank you.

Just a note to update you. On Thursday 29th, The Bryn a Mor Mission Area Conference voted to allow St Michael’s Church to become a Pilgrim Church. This decision has been forwarded to the Bishop and Diocese for them to discuss and to come to a decision. August tends to be a holiday month, so we probably not hear any more until the Autumn. But I will update you of any news.

Thank you once again.

The vicar phoned me yesterday.
He sounded as avuncular as ever and he showed no upset of my referral to him and his sexy young curate of being like Batman & Robin in my last ecclesiastical blog entry.
He informed me of the first official meeting which may lead to the Church being saved from closure and followed the call up with an email ( see above) 
It looks like we are in the hands of the Bishop and so me thinks it’s time to make some community noise and start a publicity campaign. 
I shall have a word with Village Leaders Ian and Helen about our move.

The Village Community Association is holding an alternative show on Saturday and are calling for entries in their “ What did you do in Lockdown? Exhibition” 
I’m on nights , but I will make a few Gyoza Dumplings as my entry
It’s much more positive that a photo of myself , chugging McDonalds, and weeping in front of the tv.

from Going Gently

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