Piss Boring Post then Hiraeth

 I’m back on night shift again, which is ok given the miserable weather, grey skies and chill in the air.
I lit the fire last night, and the Dogs and Albert crowded around it as if they had never experienced a fire before.
I’m going back to bed in a bit. There’s no one to see, and little to do on days before night shifts.
The postman has just knocked on the window with a package for me.
I bought a jar from a private buyer on eBay the other day. 4£ for the jar 3 £ for the postage.
It’s my spectacle jar .
I’m a bugger for losing specs. That is the reason I never buy any expensive ones as invariably within a few days they be lost for eternity.
I buy a selection of nice no prescription reading glasses on line every few months or so, but even then I’m always scrabbling around the cottage looking for a pair when I’ve lost the ones that are generally perched high on my forehead.
Now I have a spec jar, compete in cheerful yellow, which comfortably holds 6 pairs standing up
Life in the fast lane

Ok there IS always something interesting to blog about.
As a postscript I’ll post this illustration , which was sent to me by friend and blogger Mike 

In wales Hiraeth is often a popular name for a house . 
So many rural houses have no numbers in Wales so often have to have a name to differentiate them from each other.
My cottage and Mandy & sailor John’s cottage next door used to be collectively called dan  y Fynwent which means under the graveyard . Then they were known as Llan Cottages ( Llan is one of several words in Welsh for Church) Now my cottage is known as Bwthyn y Llan which is Welsh for Church Cottage
Hiraeth, has other meanings in Welsh , as well as nostalgia, it can simply mean homesickness and yearning but I think I prefer the above definition
There is a magic quality about it .

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3k3d32D

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