
I love this poem 
It was shared to me by Hattie 
It’s a poem that suits her

All of us who write blogs, have something in common 
We leave a little of ourselves here, for always.
I leave a journal of a small life.
One looked on benignly.
One based on reality but one which is gently sanitised, idealised and seen through an optimistic hue
(With occasional warts for balance of course)

I’m melancholy tonight 
The dogs know it and have crowded around 
Albert , pragmatic as ever, is by himself in front of the fire.

My nephew has just texted with a grown up I will treat you to lunch when we meet in November 
He has Aspergers  and is 18 so his  comment was sweetly atypical 

I’ve cut the lawn, washed windows, gardened, visited the vets , got stuck in traffic, shopped and spring cleaned the bathroom 
Oh and I had a meeting about the pond with the avuncular Nick from the apt sounding Well Street

I disregarded by diet and treated myself to cheese and crackers for tea 
But I’m still melancholy 

I’m feeling lonely today 
Just today


from Going Gently

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