
 In my favorite jeans

On Day Four

Am I willing 

To be wholly uncomfortable

With what I’m about

To say

I’ve learned nothing but bad habits by being comfortable. I always need to be stretched physically and mentally. I need to sweat. I’ve never liked the weeds, but it’s where I learn to thrive. I’ve learned survival skills there. And survival for me includes learning how to communicate. I don’t do it well in person at all. I detest it honestly. I make mountains out of molehills because I misconstrue or misinterpret what others say. I’m very literal. I don’t tell jokes. I don’t let people in. I’m changing that. I will always have to teach. 

I share this with you because I’m eating crow. I always complained that I didn’t want this to be my assignment. And here I am.  I’m doing exactly what I said I wouldn’t. If this is the first part of surrender, Lord, I’m under Your wing. 

from R's rue

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