A Tree Called Nigel


One of the smaller goals in my days is to be able to name all of the trees I see.
Apart from some of the old favourites, I am woefully bad at recognising species, and so every morning when we are out for our “ big” walk when I see a tree I don’t recognise I will grab a leaf from it and take it home to pour over google or as a last resort use the free Woodlands Trust Name a Tree App in order to name that tree.

This morning as I was snapping a few leaves from a tree just off the path, I caught the eye of a passing dog Walker and felt the need to explain what I was doing.
“ I’m trying to name all the trees down the walkway” I told him
And the man nodded and smiled politely and walked on.
Much later as we ambled back to Bluebell, limp leaves in hand we passed the man again,
He pointed to a large Beech tree in the corner of a nearby field “ Do you know this one’s name? “
I was about to show off with the answer  , albeit with the humility of “ I think” preceding it  when he beat me to the punch
He’s called Nigel” the man said with a chuckle

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3yNBtDm

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