A Little Bit Of Magic


I haven’t got much to say today.
The meeting with village leaders Ian and Helen was productive and we now have a plan regarding getting an action group ready to support the Church , but generally yesterday was pretty quiet and today, I will be working then sleeping in that order.
No real magic today,
We all need little moments of magic in our lives…..just occasionally 
Things to offset the humdrum and the ordinary .
Things that we will always remember.
A sunset, a view, a glance, an uncontrolled giggle….a moment  …..we all have our little fragments of magic
I remember a few years ago now going to The New York Met for the first time.
It was to see The Magic Flute 
It wasn’t the Opera the took my breath away, even though it was big and brash and extraordinary beautiful but it was the unexpected drama of the Met’s famous Lobmeyr Crystal Chandeliers as they were raised and lowered before the performance.
It was a wonderful piece of choreographed magic. 
Understated but showy all at the same time.
And something that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up

What is your magic moment?
The one that first enters your mind

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3fYVKih

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