Roses Around The Door

* Trelawnyd in Summer

I got home around 2 pm and found that I’d not stockpiled  antibiotics as I thought. It took me until 6 pm to  sort out a prescription from out of hours. 
I felt like shit until bedtime but I did sleep a broken , toilet visiting sleep
I feel better this morning
Washed out but better. 
I’m going to ask my urologist for long term antibiotic therapy.

I’m pottering around the cottage today.
The sweet peas look lovely on the wisteria arch with the  purple buddleia providing a striking backdrop. 
The climbing rose by the front door has burst into flower

I think I’m the owner of the only cottage that actually has roses around my door. Well to be honest roses and honeysuckle .
It looks lovely 
I’m a bit tired today…Dorothy and I mooched on the trendy couch…me reading , she snoring. 
Mary is upstairs on the bedroom window seat watching out for rabbits.

Then,only an hour ago.when I reviewed my junk folder emails , I saw that I was supposed to start an Opera Appreciation Course at the City Lit at lunchtime. I had forgotten about it as I was supposed to be travelling home from London today….what fun……every cloud has a silver lining ….
So fortified with a bucket of coffee, a bit pee and another antibiotic I’m now set for some culture 

* photograph by villager Jean Smith Trelawnyd from the Gop

from Going Gently

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