Roll Model

 My commute to work varies from 30 to 40 minutes depending on traffic.
Usually I relax with the radio and last night I had the pleasure of listening to Radio4 ‘s Fromt Row interview with Ian Mckellen
A year or so ago, I saw McKellen in his one man show and the evening was pure magic as I remember with the old actor relaying old theatrical memories with warmth, humour and delight.
His radio interview was very much the same, with the actor showing his playful and naturally youthful side as he discussed playing Hamlet some 50 years after he first performed the role.

If I had a role model, it would be McKellen. I envy his playfulness and the way he engages people with effortless charm. He is an eternally optimistic and joyful man.

Who is your role model?

from Going Gently

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