
 I knew England had won the football by the screams echoing around the village 
I understand the tribal attraction to the game but it’s always left me rather cold. 
It’s nice to hear people so happy at the result though.
Everyone needs a boost
I carried on with a late dog walk as the yelling continued

I’ve finished the painting today and despite some wobbly lines, I’m pretty happy with the result .
Not one of the cottage walls in the bedroom is straight, so says the spirit level, so I have something else to blame than my fading eyesight and wobbly hand.
I’m knackered but happy that I finished….well almost finished . I’m waiting for some burnt orange curtains and a matching rug to be delivered and there’s a bit of outstanding gloss work to complete but tomorrow I’m meeting my friend Polly for a walk and later another friend Colin is coming to dinner….so I’ve peaked with the paint brushes.
I’m fucking knackered

from Going Gently

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