I’m not hungry
Overnight I’ve eaten a homemade chilli stir fry with chicken.
And that’s it
No snacks , no cake, no toast....no anything else except de caffeinated coffee and water.
It’s taken an age but I’m finally found my “ groove” so to speak with my diet .
I knew I would get there, but it has taken an absolute age 

My relationship with food has, like so many people , been rather complicated 
I comfort eat, that much is a given, but I also really enjoy food, a passion transferred to be from my grandparents who has austere lives when it came to putting food on the table.

Today I will enjoy eggs on toast for breakfast , fruit at lunchtime if I wake up and another chicken stir fry for tea which I will half and finish sometime during the night.

I’m working alongside a woman who is dieting pre wedding, so we are fantasising about scotch eggs with some good humour.

I’ve always said that weight was my last hurdle to normality  and peace of mind

And it is

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3q9rgho

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