A Quiet Place II


Finally , an evening trip to the cinema ! 
I met up with friend Colin for supper PRE CINEMA ! which was a real treat in itself and we sat in a restaurant outside, on a picturesque Chester street, eating pizza as if on holiday .
The film, too was a treat as unlike most sequels it holds its own against film no 1 which monopolised the silent linch pin horror genre.
Director, hunk of spunk  and star of film number one John Kraninski stars in a short, action based catch up sequence which sets up the film in true crank-it-up-a-notch style as the audience gets to see just how the Abbott family first comes to grips with the aliens who only hunt by sound.
The narrative then switches to a more industrial backdrop as mom ( Emily Blunt ) siblings Marcus and Reagan ( Millicent Simmonds & Noah Jupe) and the baby in the suitcase try to illicit the help of a shocked survivor Emmett ( Cillian Murphy) to help them find safety.
Wisely Kraninski gives the film several directorial twists to stop reinventing the wheel. 
He cranks up the tension in several narrative branches at once, flitting from one to the other with confidence without ever losing out on the pressure and intensity of story.
He also shys away from letting his wife dominate the action as a sort of Ripley in Aliens character , enabling  the two elder children take the lead as unlikely heroes of this dangerous new world.
Millicent Simmonds, as the deaf, serious faced, slightly lumpy but bright as a button daughter shines in thus movie and will I am sure provide all teenagers watching, regardless of gender,  with a new age role model .

If you want to sit through a well crafted , thriller with heart and intelligence  you can’t go far wrong with A Quiet Place II 
It’s great fun

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2SpcMNP

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