
Back in 2015, Google brought a new facility into their search engine results page (SERP). I am sure that you have noticed it: "People Also Ask" followed by a number of questions that relate to the one you first put into the search box. 

The facility is meant to be helpful in our quest for knowledge. Indeed the "People Also Ask" questions  can lead us down interesting avenues. Sometimes you click on the newly generated questions and they lead you in different directions, bringing up yet more questions. It can be a bit like navigating a maze.

In spite of all of this, I have sometimes find myself chuckling about some of the random "People Also Ask" questions that are thrown up. At this present point in time bots can be so indiscriminating, lacking the sophistication  of human experience. Unbeknown to them they make blunders all the time.

Questions related to "What is hell?":-

So God's skin is red and white? Does that make him a Manchester United supporter? Possibly Cheltenham Town.

Questions related to "What is Mickey Mouse?"
I must confess that I have also often wondered if Mickey Mouse is a cat or a dog.

Questions related to "What is death?"

Yes indeed - the three definitions of death: quite dead, dead and very dead. And indeed, how does someone feel when he dies? Perhaps cold and stiff?

If you are ever bored, why not spend a little time mucking around with the "People Also Ask" extension? You might be tickled by some of the bizarre questions that come up.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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