An Old Greek Quote

Mrs Trellis repeated this apparent old Greek Quote only yesterday, 
She was less serious than when we met last
“ Happiness is when old men plant trees the Shade of which they know they will never sit in “ 

 I think the second lockdown has made me a little low.
Would I called it a bit depressed? I’m not sure . I always hate, with a vengeance when people bandy around self diagnosing here and using the very serious descriptions of depression where something like despondency would be more appropriate. 
But I concede, I’ve felt low enough to be tearful almost daily and flat enough to react in an exaggerated manner when the church laburnum was felled.
I also found myself mulling over a recent contact by my ex husband who messaged me wanting a more friendly communication .Alas it’s very easy to be magnanimous when you have moved on and you are happy and perhaps all you want are things  to be neat and tidy and filed neatly and away, guilt free. 
I found myself wanting more communication from him, not the best thing when you are not happy, lonely and you’ve not moved on as far as you would like.
I’ve asked him not to contact me again.

Back to Mrs Trellis’ adapted quote
I bought a replacement laburnum tree to replace the felled beauty in the graveyard and village elder, Islwyn helped me plant it
I found the whole thing rather moving

Happiness is indeed when old men  plants a tree , the shade of which we will never sit in


Dorothy passed a small plastic fish in her poo on Friday 
It was popped on top of her turd like a cherry on a tart
The fish was one you find in sushi boxes filled with soy
I haven’t eaten sushi for months 

Time to smile again

from Going Gently

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