A Little Bit Of Sweetness

I had painted half of the outside toilet ( which now houses my bike and lawn mower) when Mrs Trellis stopped to chat.
She was in inquisitive mode, and wasn’t wearing her usual overly erect bobble hat
She asked me what my long term plans were as she had heard through village gossip that I was about to leave Trelawnyd to live in Llandudno
This tickled me
I love village gossip.
I reassured Mrs T that I had no long term plans
And it’s true, I haven’t
I haven’t got any major plans at all.
Mrs Trellis frowned
She didn’t know that I have a mortgage to pay until I am 72, and why would she?
I told her,  and joked, in true ostrich head in the sand tradition that I will face selling up and moving to a cheaper property when I have to and I will enjoy my home in the meantime .
I laughed but
Strangely she bit her lip and promptly burst into silent tears.
This took me completely by surprise
I leant over the kitchen wall but she stepped back a pace pulling Blue with her.
I was touched by her sudden show of emotion .
“Aren’t you worried about the future ?” She asked seriously
“ No , “ I told her honestly ,” I’m here now , I’m enjoying work, I can just about pay my bills, I will face change when it happens !”
Mrs Trellis still looked worried “ I don’t want you leave “ she said rubbing her hands together
“ I’m not leaving just yet” I told her kindly 
And I laughed loudly , forcing her to do the same .

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/33mUsH2

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