I didn’t blog yesterday because blogger was playing up and wouldn’t allow me to download photographs.
We have had the wettest May on record this year, so  the unexpected sun had us all in the garden potting up plants and weeding the planters. 
I’m 59 in a few days time....
Now sometimes I feel a very old 59......and before the deserters start their usual “ Stop moaning I know a lot of people older than you you who feel vibrant and vital and young”
all I have to say to them is try wearing PPE for 12 hours in an non air conditioned environment and see how you feel as a burly support worker is peeling your white sweaty flesh from beneath blue plastic, figure hugging pinny.
12 hours in PPE makes even 25 year old nurses feel old .

Being 59 in gay years is neigh on being dead,
a phenomenon which thankfully doesn’t bother me too much as I am not particularly attracted to younger men. Unfortunately most of my fellow 59 year old gay men are attracted to younger specimens  so the chance of dating someone remotely sanguine and normal is somewhat limited.
I’m not particularly arsed about all that.

In 1984 my father was 59
He looked ten years old older than I do now, to be sure, but also be fair to him, he still ran a successful business full time, was a mason and a full time councillor with a chain of office and everything.
What he didn’t do was wear PPE on a hot day....by gum if he did that the heart attack that eventually killed him at 65 would have probably occurred a great deal sooner.
He chain smoked too, something I have never done

I can’t abide the smell of cigarettes 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3p2Aj2T

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