
 One of the privileges of working in palliative care is that you work alongside people that truly love each other.
Looking after someone who is dying that you care about  is a labour of love and where as it is not always possible or practical to always achieve the death that so many of us want ie at home in your own bed, there are a whole plethora of services , like ours, which are specifically designed to help that wish be realised but not without commitment and care from loved ones .
I have witnessed true love at these times.
And I have just witnessed it today and on my way back from the community to the hospice I had  to sit in my car on a north Shore for a few moments and watch the sea with the windows wide open and the breeze gathering my thoughts and feelings.
I have witnessed.....
Pure, undiluted, warts and all love 
Desperate love
Tired and hopeful and hopeless love
And I am moved , every time I witness it. 

To be loved that strongly is such a privilege.  

from Going Gently

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