Twist In My Sobriety

Last night I watched Kramer vs Kramer after realising that I’ve never seen it.
It was one of those films you think you have seen then ten minutes into it, you realise that it was just a thought.
I enjoyed it so much.
Streep was amazing.
This morning I’ve been walking with Chic Eleanor and now I’m cooking Spiced Turkey and Bean Soup for supper. 
I’ve no news except that another Art Deco inspired print arrived today. I will hang it in my study a bit later. It arrived alongside Michelle Obama’s Becoming and a dvd of To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar which my bubble friend Ruth and I will watch on Saturday.

I’ve lit the fire
And the cottage is filled with the vague scent of woodsmoke and soup
And the music from the album Ancient Heart by Tinika Tikaram 

from Going Gently

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