

Oooooooh  ooooooh” 
It’s a two tone old ladies call.
They usually reserve it for calling to other old ladies across a garden fence or a shopping aisle
It’s for the most part accompanied by a floppy wave of the hand or a shake of the handkerchief
And delivered right, it can be somewhat piercing 
Ooooohhhh ooooooooo!”        
It came again, this time much louder.
The dogs jumped from their sleeping positions and thundered downstairs to see
Mrs Trellis was stood at the kitchen wall , and wasn’t one for being kept waiting
She was fanning the freshly baked sour dough bread I had left on the wall to cool 
“ I’ve just chased away a magpie !” She told me reproachfully 
Blue, her greyhound,  fidgeted in his blue coat by her side 
I offered her one of the loaves
She refused but pointed at the other 
“ I’ll take the other one “ she said “ Blue’s already licked it” 


from Going Gently

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