Ruth Corker Burks

This link is a small gift 
I’m sorry that many of you may not be able to access it, given where you are in the world. But for the ones that is a little gem of a broadcast.
Start your listen at 18.43 minutes in.
You want to listen to the story of a single mom in 1980s mid America
It is the height of the aids pandemic and Ruth Corker Burks finds Jimmy a patient dying of AIDS in a local hospital. 
He is fast approaching death and is shunned by his family and the nursing staff. 
Only she in a wonderfully moving act of compassion enters his room and his last moments of life.

I listened to this podcast on the way to work last night and had to stop the car for a few moments to process the power of it..

Please give it a go and tell me what you think

from Going Gently

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