The Gay Men’s Pub Quiz


I think that I am a Welsh 58 year old gay Bridget Jones..
I don’t quite know what I was expecting but The Gay Men’s Pub Quiz last night proved to be a rather good natured and strangely hilarious affair.
Some 80 Middle aged gay men from all over the UK were marshalled onto zoom by a professionally adept quiz master called Kenneth  , who presumably was well versed in herding cats and sounded as though he had performed centre stage at the Old Vic. 
Like with the RAF yesterday , there was no messing with Kenneth!

With a headteacher’s authority , Kenneth split us into groups quite quickly , so I just had time to check myself in the mirrored oven cover before the get go.

Face washed ( tick)
Hair brushed ( tick) 
Clean shirt checked for food stains ( check) - there was only one small splash of pot one would notice ...tee hee
Background looking interesting behind me ( double check ) 
I was ready.
I squirted myself with a blast of Clinique Happy as a gay moral booster, as if it mattered

My group was a nice bunch. Gerry and David, a couple from the Sheffield/ Derbyshire border in their late sixties were a riot. They bantered and bickered gently and told bad jokes throughout the evening so much so that at one stage I had a complete attack of the giggles and corpsed dreadfully throughout one session of questions . Alistair was a gently spoken and smiley  fellow nurse from Chester and Richard was a well spoken but very deaf elderly man from The Isle Of Man. I spied a Zimmer frame in the background of his spare room! which intrigued me. 
Fifty questions were set between a 7.30 start and a 10.30pm finish , but booked into the quiz was the nice opportunity to chat with a luckily nice group of men . 

We came around  6th out of 15 groups which wasn’t bad at all 
I’m not really a gay guy who has to seek the ghetto of a group of gay men , but I really did enjoy the good natured banter of some nice guys with a ribald ( and stereotypically gay)  senses of humour 

from Going Gently

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