The Fast Ghost

I didn’t tell you all but I think I saw a ghost the other week.
I wasn’t shocked or frightened, just rather intrigued. 
I was at work. 
It was around four am in the morning and I just told my colleagues that I was going to pop out to my car to collect some paperwork. 
When I got up, so did they for when I returned we had a succession of turns and syringe driver checks to do, and as I exited the unit through the electric doors I felt and sort of saw Ruth , my fellow nurse,  move very quickly behind me to enter a patient’s room immediately to my right. 
I collected the paperwork from my car, and as I returned to the hospice , I felt strangely unsettled by the “ quickness “ of Ruth’s movement, so much so that I asked if she had indeed entered the patient’s room so rapidly. 
She denied that she had. Nor indeed had our fellow fellow support worker, the only other able bodied person inside the unit .
But I knew what I felt.
I felt and half saw a figure move behind me into the patients room with some gusto.

Last week I worked nights again but this time with another nurse. This nurse is well known for her spiritual experiences and comically is referred to by her colleagues being a bit of a white witch. 
She is also one of the most pragmatic and talented hospice nurses I have ever had the pleasure of working with.
I asked her about her experiences on nights without explaining any details of my own “ visitation’  and 
she told me that knew only of two recent ‘visitors’ . 
One she described as a man , who stands quietly on one corner of the hospice away from any other activity 
“ And the other? “ I pressed her
“ oh the other is an odd bod” she said cheerfully “ it’s a figure that moves from this corridor into the first of the  patient bedrooms” she pointed to where I had seen my “ ghost” 
“ she really IS  a odd bod too ,” my colleague added
“ why’s that? “ I asked gingerly 
She always moves very fast like a bullet ...always from right to left” she told me with a gentle smile

This used to scare me shitless as a child 

from Going Gently

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