My Study

Albert and the old bedroom

I have a spare bedroom in the East Wing of the cottage. 
It’s small and full of clutter at the moment. 
A Victorian copper bedstead and mattress , a book case, an Art Deco grandmother clock, old books, a carpet cleaner. 
This week I’ve decided to make a proper study. 
A simple one, with less fussy walls and decor.
A desk, a chair and the bed complete with an antique french bedspread , I bought last year but never used 
It’s a small room and it needs to be simple 

I need a place with limited distractions, if I am to write
So today, I’ve been shopping 
I’ve not only ordered a new phone , but a desk and an office chair
The paint I already have, the gentle buttercup yellow of the living room.

Not bad a job for my first day of holiday 

from Going Gently

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