“My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.”

Another night 
Another weepy film in the dark.
This time it’s Pride and Prejudice with Mathew Macfadyen’s tree trunk thighs 
Oh be still my beating heart!
In a dark living room, I’ve watched a very careful Albert  walk slowly to the blue trendy sofa where Dorothy is sleeping. 
She is snoring as loud as Winnie used to do  and strangely Albert has just joined her, padding carefully like a panther. his big eyes golden.
I held my breath as he curled up behind her, his head tucked tight against his tail and her side and briefly she stopped snoring ,lifted her head and  sniffed him just once with sleepy interest. Then she laid her fat head back down next to his as I let out a sigh

A little thing, but it kind of broke my heart.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3aRVHDb

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