The Crown Returns


The new landlady of the village pub is in fact a former landlady called Ceri
The young woman with a young family who, with her husband Nathan has braved the covid economic decline is in my mind one of the real heroes of this dreadful year.
The Crown reopened last night.
It was a very different pub to what Affable Despot Jason and I remembered.
Table service only, on line booking , no standing at the bar
But every table , throughout the pub and restaurant  was filled by villagers happy to have the pub lit and warm and alive again.
Ian and Jo ( without their three legged whippet) Tim, Tim ( Nice and not dim) Trelawnyd Val, Village Leader Ian, 
It was nice to be there to support the opening night
Booking for tables can be done here on line via Facebook

I will leave you with this video which is doing the rounds
A former New York Ballerina, suffering from Alzheimers is played Swan Lake 
Enjoy x 

from Going Gently

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