Swallows and Hangovers


I met my friend for dinner last night and both of us are suffering from a gin based hangover from hell this morning. 
I took the girls up the Gop to blow away the cobwebs and burped pink gin at almost every step.
Looking down on the village, it is easy to see the older houses of Trelawnyd. 
As in many Welsh villages the older houses have names rather than house numbers to tell them apart and these names are officially linked to the house postcode so cannot easily be changed.
My cottage is called Bwthyn y Llan which literally means Church Cottage.
The more historic name for it and it’s sister cottage next door was Tan y Fynwent which literally means under the graveyard.
I always liked the name Mrs Miniver gave to her home. 
It was simply called Starlings, and with that in mind I have just hung some cheerful blue birds on the front of the cottage

Hey ho

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/2KCmpnY

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