Hot Bra


I miss the village post office.
I miss the complete disarray Jenny the postmistress was always in when faced with something more complex than an order of more than two first class stamps 
She was surrounded by paper that often threatened to engulf her completely.
I miss those untidy days.

I have to travel to the next village to post my parcels, so today went to the Spar which doubles as post office and supermarket to get my nephew’s birthday gift sent. 
I waited patiently as two women argued in front of me about social distancing and hid behind my mask 
The wait was rather long, and so I was grateful to eventually leave the claustrophobic queue , pay for my post and leave the hot shop. 
When I was outside I pulled down my mask and took several gulps of fresh cool air with a sigh.
“ Now you blokes know what’s it’s like to be a woman!  “ so said one of the women who was involved in the argument  
I nodded and smiled politely
“ We have the same feeling of relief when we take our bras off after a day at work !“ 

And for once I was lost for a word of reply

from Going Gently

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