Grayson Perry’s Perspective

I’ve had a hard week...harder than I would like
It’s ok to acknowledge it, as most of us are experiencing a shitty time at the moment...
But it has been especially  hard for me....there I’ve said it.
It’s been hard as I’m on night shifts that have exaggerated my separation  from the real world...a life which has already been separated by Covid rules and lockdown.
My tentative move into sociability, cinema, friendships and contact external to my own bubble has been curtailed and so

I’m sad and I’m suddenly lonely 

And I’m allowed to be sad......
Even though I hate it......... anyway conference calls to old friends Nigel and Cheryl have helped so much too,
Perspective gained....virtual hugs given

I’ve just watched Grayson Perry on his American road trip too

And I’ve realised, quite quickly, that I’m doing
A bit crap....but in essence I’m doing  .....just fine ...

from Going Gently

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