Covid: The Rise Of The Karen


I had another Covid based run in yesterday morning.
This time with a group of seven female joggers
It was unpleasant and upsetting
And this time I was on the receiving end of their righteous indignation 

I was walking on the track or a former railway line with Mary and Dorothy when I heard them far in the distance . A set of joggers in close formation all shouting and laughing. 
Their ages ranged from 30 s to 60 s
As they neared me I put Dorothy back on the lead and moved to one side to let them pass which they did .
But then they stopped filling the track as they gasped and talked and laughed all within inches of each other . 
I called out a sharp “ Excuse me !” 
and they moved to one side to let me pass but not before one of the women, buoyed up by numbers called out in a stage whisper 
Some People Are miserable,”
“ I’m not miserable but angry” I told them, whirling around 
You block the trail, are not social distancing , are spluttering and shouting all over the place and putting yourselves and me at risk of Covid” I said and added
I’ve just finished a twelve hour shift as a nurse with Covid patients so I know what I am talking about!”
(Well it was just one Covid patient but I thought it unwise to be pedantic)
The women threw back several comments but I only heard one naming one of their party a “ worker in healthcare”
“ Well she should know better” I told them suddenly realising I was on a hiding to nowhere
I started to move on
As I did so one of the women shouted “ We look after ourselves , we arnt obese Like you! ,”
I stopped  and turned around
Shocked and upset at the personalisation and stupidity of the insult 
For once I was lost for words and stood there open mouthed
Really ? ......
Really ?” I asked shaking my head 
Then I walked on 

But the insult stung as it was meant to

and it was made worse because these women were middle class types , the ones that did care for their own bodies and ate healthily after a few kilometres run.

And I was a lone, invisible man who had dared to challenge them

from Going Gently

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