
Autumn is the time for conkers. They hold a special place in my heart. Yesterday, I mailed a conker to our son Ian in London. It was still in its husk and it came from his own horse chestnut tree - grown from a conker he picked up when he was three years old. That tree is now almost forty feet tall and I am thinking of having it professionally felled.

Having churned out blogposts for over fifteen years, I have of course blogged about conkers before and I don't really wish to repeat myself. To read those old conker posts please go here (2013) and here (also 2013).

The pictures that accompany this post were taken yesterday in the late afternoon after I had picked up a seed husk that was almost as big as a tennis ball.  By the way, it is unusual to find three conkers in a shell. It's normally just one or two.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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