Bad Person

I was in Tesco’s in Llandudno junction the other night
I was buying cakes for the day staff.
I recognised the man as soon as our eyes met but couldn’t quite place him until after he had unexpectedly hugged me.
He was the husband of a patient I nursed several months ago now, well before lockdown.
The last time I had seen him, we had hugged
We exchanged platitudes, in greetings, in how he was, about Covid.
Then he said, after I had repeated How are you coping?
“ Grief has turned me into a bad person.”
I inclined my head why and he explained, The words tumbling out of his mouth in a waterfall
I hate it when I now see intimate little moments between couples” he said “ when they share a private joke, or they hold hands or they Play argue by the checkout “ he waved his hand behind him at the tills........“is that normal ?...I resent people so much”
It’s  normal “ I told him suddenly recognising his “pang” of feelings from my own perspective of divorce grief .and I game him my best brave smile and squeezed his forearm with my hand 
He nodded sadly and we stood for a moment

I noticed he had a block of parmigiano reggiano in has basket


from Going Gently

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