Comfort Food


It was a good job that I didn’t understand the new lockdown rules in Flintshire last night when I had that run in with the two “ ladies” last night 
If I had I would have said a little more than just cheap shoes!
The new lockdown in Flintshire has been a terrible disappointment 
Organised cinema trips To Chester are now cancelled , meet ups with Liverpool friends postponed and even our 1940 s moustached choir master is now isolated along the coast, unable to meet us outside our choir venue.
These little luxuries of social contact have been a life saver 
Now many are on hold.
Anyhow I’m luckier than most , so I’ll shut the fuck up...I thought this , at lunch with a friend today when I learned he was about to lose his job thanks to the virus 
All I could do was to treat him to the meal and to listen 
Not much in the great scheme of things

It’s wet and miserable tonight
Sod the diet...comfort food and a real fire is the ticket tonight
A dvd Black Panther and Homemade cottage pie 

I haven’t got much to complain about 

from Going Gently

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