A Stream Of Thoughts

 Only 48 hours or so after I publicly announced that I am happy being single 
I have been propositioned by two men. One, I haven’t heard from in a long time ,texted me hoping for a quick roll around in the sheets 
The other had more obscure needs and wanted a Sort of date. 
I’ve politely refused both.
Being asexual is en trend so they say.

So does this mean that I am finally grown up ? or is it as Rachel Philips perfectly explained that us singleton’s  living main benefit is
“.....being answerable only to myself  is doing what I like, when I  like, how I  like and at whatever time of the day I like.” 

Yesterday around 4 pm I found that I couldn’t sleep and so I got up, donned my fourth favourite Walking Dead T shirt And pants ! and took Winnie and Albert for a short walk into the churchyard.( I had gotten up a few hours earlier and had dropped off the younger girls at Trendy Carol’s )
Winnie is incredibly slow now and Albert seemed to chivvy her along with morale boosting slides under her chin with his entire body but it still took a good seven minutes to walk up the lane and through the lytchgate .
It was warm and sunny and from our bench we lazily  watched the lane as Mrs Trellis tottered down with Blue she left a carrier bag on the kitchen wall which later I found out contained a home made egg custard , three rustic napkins and somewhat strangely a set of pencils tied together with a piece of wool.
The day before my elder sister left bags containing jigsaws, a homemade cake, snowdrop bulbs and a book
That kitchen garden wall seems to possess great magical properties I thought.
A place for gifts!
It has been for years now.

As Mrs Trellis tottered down the lane I was listening to this piece of music. 
It’s Exsultate Justi from Empire of the Sun 
Somewhat oddly her steps fell in time with the beat of the music and it has sudden become her anthem. Music and Trellis as one as it were.
It seems to capture her nervous vitality quite wonderfully, especially as her Bobble hat “ bobbed “ Smartly as the sopranos trilled 

Days off ! four full days off 
What to do?....got tickets to see the indi coming of age movie Rocks. An “ in bubble” friend is coming for dinner and am meeting another friend for lunch 

I’m going to rebook a pottery class too

I will leave you with most beautiful of women

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/337ycS8

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