I wasn't done with that bird sketch after all.  It just didn't sit right with me.  I wanted something more sketchy and less trying to be realistic with it.  I've been busy today off and on today.  I would work on the sketch, go out and put fresh water in the bird baths and I checked on the suet and these birds are going through one cake of it like every three days.  I think the squirrel is the one who is sneaking up to eat most of it when I'm not looking.  If I see him I shoo him away.  After all, he is well fed.  I put sunflower seeds on the ground in a little pot for him but that doesn't satisfy the little rodent. 

So he isn't just a rodent as I read a bit ago....

".....squirrel is a small mammal and is part of the Sciuridae family. They are also part of the scientific order Rodentia. ... Thus, squirrels are mammals because they breathe air and give birth to live babies rather than laying eggs. They are rodents and close cousins to other rodent species such as rats and mice...."

The best time of day for walks or hikes around here is late afternoon when the breezes kick up and the lake trails are breezy and nice.  I will be doing that later but during these days of late walks I have plenty of time for art and eating.  And that's why I need to walk more. 

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