Maria is a 2020's girl - she is adventuresome who loves socializing...but since this year is not working out well for her  (or anybody) she has decided that time travel is definitely worth the risks that come with this ground breaking opportunity.     

She has become a volunteer subject  for testing  the latest technological advancements  in time travel or, as some people like to call it,  "touching stones."  Time travel, (although a very crude and dangerous endeavor and not known to the general population) has been around since the 1890's,  but  has been advanced to a point where within the next five years if you have the exorbitant amount of  money required, you can purchase a ticket to any time in the past four centuries or to the future within the next three centuries.   

Her uncle  who works on this highly guarded  secret project which is  perfecting the engineering advancements  required to propel a person to the future or the past ,  has offered her the opportunity to choose , at her own risk,  where she would  like to visit.  She has decided to go back to the early 1900's and snoop around a bit. 

She has arrived.


(Okay my silly story was put in draft until I finished it and because it has been foggy and raining and windy and ...   well,  staying inside weather,  I was playing around with this idea.  Weird thing though when I came back to the draft right under this photo and before this paragraph was the number  "44".  I have no idea what  this means and I didn't add it - this wasn't my doing.  

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