
Oh don't you love blogger!!!!!!
You write a heartfelt piece of prose which receives perhaps 5 comments 
Then bang out a bit if shiteabout a cheap cushion that looks like a big minnow 
And bam!!! 40 comments stat!!!!
Go figure 
Love it......
I've just finished work . The hospice is a bit fraught as we have covid amongst the staff, but protocols have been followed rigorously so it's hey ho , best foot forward.
I'm working all tomorrow too.
So dearhearts , I am going to leave you with this video
It's a bloody delight.
It really is
A Spanish bride is surprised by her husband after he has organised that her students deliver his wedding ring, and the camera captures two delightfully sweet people without any words or further explainations .....
With all the shit going on in the world 
Please....just enjoy it , for what it is  
It's just lovely 

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