Documenting The Present

This photo can be seen on my sister blog
It features all of Trelawnyd volunteer Wartime force and was taken outside the memorial Hall
I like the fact things are documented
I've suggested that we organise a socially distant " Group " photograph of the Street Warden initiative organised by Velvet Voiced Linda from Well Street
Ok it may be a bit like herding cats 
But I think something that has worked so effectively should be documented and celebrated
I've put the request out on the Warden's App and Cameron has agreed to take the photo!

Siri.....what day is it today?
Oh it's Thursday already is it? Bloody hell.."..
I'm sat at the kitchen looking at my list boxes
Seventeen ticked off already!!!
I will drain my bucket of coffee soon and will go and clear out the shed
Eighteen ticks by lunchtime!

It's a lovely day,

I will leave you with a short tribute to Margarita Pracatan who died yesterday

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